Master Tham forecast Prediction for the 12 chinese Zodiac for 2017

Master Tham • December 18, 2016


12 chinese zodiac astrology Prediction for 2017 by Master Tham

Welcome to the year 2017 , 2017 is the Chinese Year of the Rooster. This year belongs to the element Fire. The Chinese New Year 2017 of the Fire Rooster will start on January 28, 2017. Based on the stars movement in the sky, Master Tham had predicted about your health, wealth, love, career and much more in 2017 for the 12 Chinese zodiac.

Get ready for the Year of the Rooster! There is a proverb saying that a good start will determine half of  the final success.  Make good use of the 12 zodiac luck predictions to embrace good fortune opportunities and navigate through tough challenges. Master Tham wishes everybody to have a healthy, prosperous year.



Year of the Rat Year: (1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)

For this year, the rat will break with taisui, so it is advisable to pray to the god taisui this year.
Heavenly happiness(天喜)
great sun (太陽)
There will also be two inauspicious stars, piercing rope (贯索),  and hook spirit(勾神)
Wealth luck:
Career luck:
Love luck: 
Health luck:

Year of the Ox
Year: (1937、1949、1961、1973、1985、1997、2009)

This will be the year for the Ox where it have many inauspicious stars.   Fortunately, the auspicious star is powerful and strong enough to overcome  the bad effects of the inauspicious stars. Due to this factor, the Ox will still have good potential to grow for this year. The auspicious stars Three stages (三台), Great mark (唐符) , will provide you with beneficial people to help in your career. Flower umbrella (華蓋) will bring good luck for work this year and you have the opportunity to upgrade the current post. Star Heavenly solution (天解) is also another auspicious star that will lessen the effect of all the negative influences from inauspicious star.
The four inauspicious star are yellow flag (黃旛), Turmoil Star(浮沉) that will create obstacles in your life, Authority mark (官符) and Five demons (五鬼)。Having the stars Authority mark (官符) and Five demons (五鬼), you must not be guarantor for other people for lending money as this will cause you to be in debts and have legal disputes. You must be extra careful while handling or signing any legal documents.
Overall this year,
Wealth luck: This year wealth luck will be moderate for the Ox. For business, you got to work harder to manage your business to gain good profits. Only able to make low risk investments for this year. Refine from being greedy and emotional. It will be better for you to place your money in long-term growth funds.
Career luck: The three auspicious star will help in getting success at work or career. You will experience good luck and good opportunities for promotion in your work. You must also be careful of the negative effect of the auspicious stars which will affect the moral of your work. Avoid conflicts with working colleague.
Love luck: For couples, this year your have to be careful of third party affecting your love relationship. Do not trust people easily. Do not be too engross at work and neglect your relationship this year. Maintain a healthy balance.
Health luck: This year must be careful about accident related to bloodshed. You will need to pay extra attention while travelling overseas.  Need to have high mental alert and focus at all times. This year must also avoid drinking too much alcohol and pay extra attention to your digestive system.


Year of the Tiger Year: (1938、1950、1962、1974、1986、1998、2010)

Inauspicious stars like Death mark (死符),minor waste (小耗)and disaster poison(劫煞) will affect the money luck and cause small loses. 
Moon virtue (月德)is also another auspicious star that will lessen the effect of all the negative influences from inauspicious star.
Wealth luck:
Career luck:
Love luck:
Health luck:

Year of the Rabbit
Year: (1939、1951、1963、1975、1987、1999、2011)

For the year of the rabbit, your luck may not be so favorable this year as you are directly clashing with the taisui or the grand duke. For rooster and rabbit is direct clash this year. In the year of the rooster, there will be many inauspicious star that will affect the luck and destiny of the rabbit. You will face a lot of blockages at work and damages cause by bad stabbers. There will be no auspicious stars to help the rabbit this year. You must be careful of the four inauspicious star , major waste (大耗)which will affect the money luck and cause loses. Breaking age (岁破), disaster bane(災煞) and (阑干) will cause you to have many bad stabbers this year.
You must be mentally alert to overcome all odds this year. Due to the effect of the inauspicious star, this year you must abide by the law , always stay low-key, and properly handle the various relationships in life. When dealing with matters related to investment and signing document, you must be careful as it will bring you financial loses. It is advisable to pray to the god taisui this year.
Wealth luck: Due to influences from taisui, the rabbit whole fortune will become more unstable and vulnerable to be deceive by others . Avoid big investment for businessmen so as not to lose everything. Also this you are only able to do low risk small return investment to safeguard your money. You must also not borrow money to anyone as you will run the risk of not getting your money back. Avoid investment plan that sounds too good to be true.
Career luck: This year you will have less support from superior at work. You need to be careful this year regarding your work as it will attract bad stabbers to your life. Avoid making big changes in your company or business. Stay low profile. Having getting involve in gossips with colleague at work.
Love luck: You are required to pay attention to your relations with the opposite sex as your emotion will be hard to control this year.  Married person should pay attention to the occurrence of divorce. Be careful to maintain your wife/husband emotions, avoid a war of words to win and to avoid the pain of separation from them . Also at work, you should pay attention and keep a distance between the opposite sex bosses or colleagues in order to avoid a ” Taohua Jie .”
Health luck: Due to inauspicious star , you need to be careful to prevent any accident from happening. This year during the Chinese lunar month February or August, it is advisable to go donate blood or clean/polish your teeth to offset the negative effect of blood related accidents. You must also take good care of your health as it is more easy to fall sick this year. You should pay attention to your arms, legs, liver, and the nervous system.

Year of the Dragon
Year: :(1940、1952、1964、1976、1988、2000、2012)

For the zodiac dragon ,you will face many help from the auspicious stars this year and have a successful year. In the year of the rooster, with the help of three auspicious star, the imperial purple (紫微),(岁合)and dragon virtue(龙徳), your luck will be enhance and there will be people that will provide you with a helping hand in the time of need. Work to comply with good fortune will ensure a successful career future. However inauspicious star like (岁煞),heavenly disaster (天厄)and violet failure (暴敗)  will affect your relationship and experience accident and difficulties. You must maintain good connections around and to avoid conflict with others as they will causes disputes that will affect your mood and life.
Overall this year,
Wealth luck: Due to the help of the auspicious star , you can get the help of others for career development related to wealth  and have a smooth sailing year. For business owners, you be able to hired many new talents who can help to execute a good plan to increase profit.
Career luck: This year you will have good career opportunity and have support of work from higher management. Fully display your talent to get approval from your boss. When in terms of help needed, there will be many benefactor people who will support or help you at work. Remember to seize the opportunity for a better progression.
Love luck: This year will be a good year for singles as they will be able to find their soulmates this year. You should join more social events to open up the opportunity to met your soulmate. For married couples, must be careful about third party who will affected the relationship. Maintain a more positive relationship with your other half by engaging in more bonding events.
Health luck: For the dragon, this year inauspicious stars will cause some disturbances in terms of health. You should eat a healthy meal and have regular exercise to prevent getting sick. You should pay attention to your arms, legs, liver, and the nervous system.

Year of the snake Year: (1941、1953、1965、1977、1989、2001、2013)

This year the snake will have indirect conflict with the 白虎 (white tiger), so it is advisable to pray to 虎爷 this year.
The auspicious star that will help in terms of luck are (天厨). 
There are four inauspicious stars which are pointed back(指背), white tiger (白虎), (天雄)and (破碎).
Wealth luck: This year wealth luck is moderate. Regardless of investment, cooperation or lending must be extremely careful to prevent any money disputes. You must also prevent yourself from being a spendthrift and over spend in luxury items. It is also advisable to join more company or social events as you will open more opportunity for making money this year.
Career luck: In career, zodiac snake must control their emotion and prevent any conflicts from happening in the work place. It will be the best to do things low profile and cautious against bad stabbers who will framed you. You will need external help and support from your superior to accomplish any project or task, so it is important to keep a humble attitude and seek harmony at work.
Love luck: The inauspicious stars make you face challenges in your love life. Singles will have a hard time seeking for a soulmate. For married couples, this year should pay more attention to communicate with each other as there will be conflicts of ideas among each other. Control your emotion to not get into a heated argument over minor issues. You will need to give your spouse more care, yielding, and patience.
Health luck: Zodiac snake should pay attention to eating healthy food and pay special attention to health care. You should refined from eating fried and oily food. Maintain a positive outlook to life and not be mentally affected by external conditions.

Year of the horse Year: (1942、1954、1966、1978、1990、2002、2014)

In general, the four auspicious star are Red phoenix (红鸞), heavenly virtue(天德), luck star (福星)and fortune merit(祿勳) you will enjoy good career advancement.
Inauspicious stars like  rolled tongue(卷舌), Star peach blossom (桃花), broad pool(咸池 ) and mourning star(披麻), will cause you to be easily get into trouble and have discord between family members
Wealth luck: Zodiac horse will enjoy a prosperous and good year. This year is suitable for investment and entrepreneurial in business. This is a year where you will have both business and windfall luck also. Small investment may bring you good profits Follow your natural instinct and make investment decision which will benefit you. Also remember to help those for are less fortunate to increase your wealth luck.
Career luck: This year at work, you will enjoy great relationship between  your colleague and superiors . In addition , when working, do prevent yourself from committing any small mistake that will block your success at work. This year will have higher chance for increment and promotions.
Love luck: The auspicious star red Phoenix will enhance all aspects of relationship in life. Single will be able to find their soulmate this year. Married couples will have a smooth sailing and intimate relationship but you will need to maintain faithful and sincere to your spouse as there is a possibility that third party will come into the relationship.
Health luck: No major problems for health this year. You must eat balanced diet and not neglect your health due to overworking. You should pay more attention to the lungs , respiratory system and bones aspect. Swimming and jogging will enhance your health aspects this year.

Year of the Goat Year: (1943、1955、1967、1979、1991、2003、2015)

In general, the four inauspicious star that will cause problems in your life are (扳头), heavenly dog (天狗),(寡宿)and mourner star(吊客) , this year will face problem and obstacles.
Wealth luck: For the goat, when doing investment , you must be extra careful. Even in seemingly good opportunities, you will still need to think twice. This year will be best to reduce expenses. You must not trust people easily as you will easily make losses, even bankruptcy and unhappy situation. Avoid lending your money to people and refrain from becoming a loan guarantee. Avoid making big investment this year and stay low profile.
Career luck: Due to the inauspicious stars, be sure to pay attention to deal with the relationship between colleague and superiors . In addition , when working, stay down to earth to avoid dispute with people. You will face obstacles at work but remain patient and calm so you will have a clear mind to solve it.
Love luck: For year 2017, whether married or unmarried , this year will face greater challenges. Marriage couples need more attention to maintain and cherish the good feelings between the two sides. If not handled properly , is likely to quarrel or be separated. Regardless of what happened, control your temper would be the best solution. Singles will be hard to get a soulmate this year.
Health luck: This year due to the inauspicious star, you need to be beware of symptoms of illness like flu, cold or fever. When you face emotional instability, you can do some exercise to relieve stress. Also avoid attending funeral or visiting ill people as the energy will clash with you and cause you to be sick. Old people need to do more medical check up this year.

Year of the monkey Year: ( 1944、1956、1968、1980、1992、2004, 2016)

The inauspicious star, the illness mark(病符), Dead spirit (亡神) and stranger( 陌越 ) will cause illness to resurface.
There will be no auspicious star to help the monkey for this year.
Overall this year,
Wealth luck: This year wealth luck income do not have any major increment. For traders , this year’s fortunes will be even more volatile , elusive and difficult to control due to lack of determination and focus.  Also in the course of business prospective , this year you must careful while choosing your partners. Avoid making major investment.
Career luck: You will face a lot of work pressure this year. There will be rumors and gossips that will affect your relationship between colleagues.  It is therefore recommended to pay attention to unite friends, avoid being impatient and keeping a low profile.
Love luck: Zodiac monkey will feel emotional in their mood. For the singles you have to learn to be more decisive choose your partner base on logic rather then being blinded by the opposite sex. You will need to control your emotion and temper this year so as to reduced conflicts for married couples. In short , your marriage requires careful management and mutual trust in order to preserve the family harmony and stability.
Health luck: Due to the inauspicious stars, monkey in terms of health is not too favorable. You are prone to fall sick easily. It will be advisable to maintain a healthy diet and go for a full medical check up this year. You can also take up a medical insurance policy to cover yourself.

Year of the Rooster Year: (1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)

People born in the Year of the Rooster will be directly clashing with the taisui. Due to the auspicious stars (文昌) and (金匱)will boost your career development. Jade hall (玉堂) and general star (将星) will also give u recognition for your talents. 
There will also have the four  inauspicious star hidden corpse(伏屍), sword edge (劍鋒), (太岁) and (三刑),these will attract bad stabbers to hinder your success and work.
Wealth luck: Due to influences of the taisui, 2017 Rooster zodiac will experience many unforeseen events. Overall wealth luck and windfall luck is not bad. There will be some money making opportunity which will be make available. It is important that you must spend your money carefully to not get yourself into any debts.
Career luck: This year, you must maintain a positive and correct working attitude. You will still get your upmost support from your old clients. The auspicious star will help in getting good beneficial people at work especially your senior and bosses. If you receive a job offer from a different company, then you should think twice before accepting the position.
Love luck: For marriage couples, you must communicate more often and to avoid getting moody this year. For singles, you must join more social outings and events to increase your chance of finding a soulmate. Being polite and humble, you will become a popular figure in your social networks.
Health luck: Due to inauspicious star, you need to be careful to prevent any blood related accident from happening. You might not get enough rest and have imbalanced diet. This will be a year where you will feel unusual pain or sickness. Be sure to do more medical check ups when necessary.

Year of the Dog Year: (1946、1958、1970、1982、1994、2006)

This year the dog will have strong auspicious star over the weak inauspicious stars. Although this year will not be necessarily smooth sailing but a positive attitude will make you strong and overcome all problems.  This year the dog will also be harming the taisui. As long as you stay calm and not act rashly, it will be positive, otherwise it will be complete failure. The auspicious stars great sun (太陽), you be able to attract positive people to your life.  Inauspicious stars ill fortune star (晦氣), saddle star (扳鞍) ,(天空)and (六害)will cause you some troubles but the auspicious stars had lessen the negative effect of it. In 2017 , your career and wealth are relatively stable , if given the opportunity to seek development or job promotion , then you should fully display your talent. Seize the opportunity. It is advisable to pray to the god taisui this year.

Wealth luck: Wealth luck is moderate this year. Minimize unnecessary expenses , and do not participate in gambling in order to avoid losses. Apart from that, it will be advisable to do some speculative trading in the stocks market for stocks that are not so popular. Due to auspicious stars, you will gain from it.
Career luck: You will get support from a male bosses and client this year which will increase your career achievements. For business, it will be good to strengthen the team spirit and cooperation to complete a successful project on hand. If you are already busy in your current position, then don’t volunteer to take on more responsibilities. If you are a company owner, then this is not a good time to expand your business.
Love luck: For singles, it will be difficult to meet someone special this year but for married couples, you will need to communicate more and control your emotion in order to resolve conflicts. Do not believe rumors easily also. You need some patience to build a deeper relationship.
Health luck: Zodiac dog overall health is not favorable this year. You should pay attention to eating healthy food and pay special attention to health care. Get rid of all unhealthy habits like drinking or smoking. Embrace a healthy lifestyle.

Year of the Boar Year: (1947、1959、1971、1983、1995、2007)

Those born in the year of the pig will be have a few auspicious star mainly travelling horse (驛马),celestial great one (天乙) and earth Dissolution (地解) that will help you to have a lucky and successful year. 
Due to inauspicious star, lone star (孤辰), , mourning gate ( 喪門), Major waste (大煞) and flying sickle (飞廉), you are advised to seek to protect yourself and in daily dealing with people , you must be humble this year
Wealth luck: Due to the auspicious stars, you can get the help of others for career development related to wealth . Wealth will come in but unable to hold on for long. Be careful in over spending and you need to manage your wealth properly.
Career luck: This will be a smooth sailing and good year for your career. This will be an active year for you as you will be require to travel often  and work load relatively will increase. You should take advantage of this opportunity to travel more for future career advancement. You will find some amazing opportunities in your journey.
Love luck: You must learn to control your emotion for this year. Whether married or unmarried , you will have some disputes with your other half. Learn to communicate well with your partner and control your temper.
Health luck: You must be careful of heavy work pressure and avoid fatigue due to travelling often and over work load. Stay positive and go for necessary check up. You should also watch your bladder, blood, urination, and your cardiovascular system.


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