Welcome with grace the year of the dog for the new year 2018. This is the year of the male earth dog. The Chinese New Year 2018 of the earth dog will start on the first lunar month on Feb 16, 2018. Based on the stars movement in the sky, Master Tham had predicted about your health, wealth, love, career and much more in 2018 for the 12 Chinese zodiac.
As the new year is about to begin, we should get ready to face the challenges and grace the opportunities brought by the year of the earth dog. There is a proverb saying that a good start will determine half of the final success. Make good use of the 12 zodiac luck predictions to embrace good fortune opportunities and navigate through tough challenges.
Master Tham wishes everybody to have a healthy, prosperous year.
This year the rat will have many inauspicious stars which will cause obstacles and financial loss for the year 2018. Although this is the year where strong creativity will flow in your work environment, you must be careful about conflicts with bad stabbers and discord in harmony at work. There will be 2 auspicious star that will be beneficial to you. The stars are Heavenly solution (天解) and Great mark (唐符) , will provide you with beneficial people to help in your career. There will also be four inauspicious stars, disaster bane(災煞) , Turmoil Star(浮沉) , (血刃) and (丧门). Due to the negative effect of the inauspicious stars, you must learn to stay positive and pay extra attention to prevent unwanted injures and accidents.
Overall this year,
Wealth luck: You will have moderate luck for money this year and it is advisable not to make big investment during this year. Manage your money wisely and cautiously. Avoid overspending on items that you do not need. Avoid borrowing money to people and speculation in shares and stock investment.
Career luck: Be expected to have obstacles and hindrances in your work this year. Stay alert and cautious in order to avoid making any major mistakes which will leads to law disputes. Auspicious stars will grant you creativity and opportunity to post or travel overseas for business.
Love luck: For year 2018, whether married or unmarried , this year will face greater challenges. Marriage couples need more attention to maintain and cherish the good feelings between the two sides. If not handled properly , is likely to quarrel or be separated. Regardless of what happened, control your temper would be the best solution. Singles will be hard to get a soulmate this year.
Health luck: This year must be careful about your health as you will encounter sudden sickness .You will need to pay extra attention and go for regular health screening and checkup. This year must watch your diet carefully and exercise often to stay healthy.
This will be the year for the Ox where it have many inauspicious stars. The Ox will also be in conflict with the tai sui for this year. It is highly important to pray to the god tai sui for this year. The auspicious stars (太阴) will provide you with luck to lessen the effect of all the negative influences from inauspicious star. This star will also bring you benefactor people to help you in trouble times.
The four inauspicious star are (天煞),(的煞),(勾神) and (贯索) which will bring bad impact to your lives.
Overall this year, you will need to live your life cautiously to avoid falling into the pits of misfortune.
Overall this year
Wealth luck: This year wealth luck will be weak for the Ox. Your expenses will increase but your income will not grow. Be extra cautious in the way your spend money. Refine from being greedy and emotional. It will be better for you to place your money in long-term growth funds.
Career luck: Due to the inauspicious stars, you will face more changes and challenges at work this year. You must avoid conflicts with working colleague and focus on building better bonds. Workload and pressure will also high this year. Maintain a strong mental health to overcome all workload and finish all task in time.
Love luck: There will be conflict among spouse this year. You are required to pay attention to your relations with the opposite sex as your emotion will be hard to control this year. Married person should pay attention to the occurrence of divorce. Be careful to maintain your wife/husband emotions, avoid a war of words to win and to avoid the pain of separation from them.
Health luck: This year must be careful about heart and blood related issues. Must maintain a good diet and not live your life recklessly. Unforeseen illness will be common this year, do seek for medical advice when you feel unwell.
For those born in the year of the tiger, there will be one auspicious star (三台)which is able to overcome and help in clearing most negative effect of the ominous stars for 2018. Inauspicious stars like 官符, 五鬼, 飞符, 指背and 地杀 will affect the work progress and lack of support from superior. This year will also encounter minor small accidents. Avoid making rash decision as this will cause you to have losses and problems. Strive for harmony, do not meddle with other people’s affair to prevent conflicts and problems with others at work or in your personal life’s. This year you must abide by the law , always stay low-key, and properly handle the various relationships in life.
Overall this year,
Wealth luck: Due to influences from inauspicious stars, you will only enjoy income from your career and not so much on windfall luck. You will need to manage your financial income well an curb any urges to spend on luxury items. Eager for quick success will cause more loss.
Career luck: Overall career luck will encounter many bad stabbers and obstacles at work. It will be good to remind as down to earth and humble so as not to attract bad stabbers from harming you. Be mindful of your daily work and make sure to completed all task at hand.
Love luck: In the new year, love luck is mediocre. So for those who are married , you must be patient and remain to have good communication with your partners. You should pay attention to figure out a good relationship with the opposite sex, marital hard work and careful maintenance to avoid disputes in the family.
Health luck: You must be careful of sudden illness or diseases this year. Remember to have ample sleep and exercise. Seek medical help when you feel sick. Remember health is of upmost importance, do not overwork yourself and neglect your body signals.
For the year of the rabbit, your luck this year will be shining with bright stars. There will be many positive changes in your life and luck, if you are able to seize the opportunity will have breakthrough in life this year. Major auspicious stars like (岁合),(月德), (玉堂), (地解) will help in career and work achievement for this year. There will also have some inauspicious stars which will affect the rabbit this year. You must be careful of the four inauspicious stars (咸池), (年杀), (死符) and (小耗) which will you to have scandals and problems cause by the opposite sex . Overall you will be ready and lucky to overcome all odds this year.
Overall this year,
Wealth luck: Due to the help of the auspicious star , your life take a turn to be better and you will see an increase in your income this year. For business owners, you be able to hired many new talents who can help to execute a good plan to increase profit. This is a good year for you to do investment for good profit returns.
Career luck: This year your career luck will be smooth sailing but you will still need to be careful of bad stabbers casing problems to your life. Manage your time well to settle all your work load and find time to upgrade yourself.
Love luck: This year will be a good year for singles as they will be able to find their soulmates this year. You should join more social events to open up the opportunity to met your soulmate. For married couples, must be careful about third party who will affected the relationship. Maintain a more positive relationship with your other half by engaging in more bonding events.
Health luck: Due to inauspicious star , you need avoid smoking and drinking too much alcohol as it will affect your health. This year during the Chinese lunar month April, July and October, you must also be careful of blood related accidents. Overall this year is still a healthy year for the rabbit.
In this year, the Dragon will have many inauspicious stars which will affect the luck and fortune this year. The dragon is in direct clash with the Tai sui this year, so it is advisable for the dragon to go pray to the tai sui god to soften the negative effect. This is also the year where the dragon must always be careful and alert to face adversity. In general, the six inauspicious star that will cause problems in your life are (破碎),(月杀),( 岁破),( 豹尾),(阐千)and(大耗), so this year be prepare to face problem and obstacles. Avoid getting involve yourself in arguments related to money. Problems will come in forms of law suits, injures, accidents and financial loses. In all aspects you should be cautious, especially paying attention to prevention bad stabbers and avoid being trapped for extortion. For Investment, this year must be extra careful as you will get into a loss situation. You must maintain good connections around and to avoid conflict with others as they will causes disputes that will affect your mood and life.
Overall this year,
Wealth luck: As mentioned, this year will be an unstable year for wealth luck for the dragon person. When doing investment , you must be extra careful. Even in seemingly good opportunities, you will still need to think twice. This year will be best to reduce expenses. You must not trust people easily as you will easily make losses, even bankruptcy and unhappy situation. Avoid lending your money to people and refrain from becoming a loan guarantee. Avoid making big investment this year and stay low profile.
Career luck: Due to Clashing with tai sui this year, you must be careful of bad stabbers and politics in office this year. Be sure to pay attention when dealing with the relationship between colleague and superiors . In addition , when working, stay down to earth to avoid dispute with people. You will face obstacles at work but remain patient and calm so you will have a clear mind to solve it.
Love luck: This will be a bumpy year for the love life of dragon person. Be prepare to face more greater challenges in love compare to last year. Marriage couples need more attention to maintain and cherish the good feelings between the two sides. If not handled properly , is likely to quarrel or be separated. Regardless of what happened, control your temper would be the best solution. Singles will be hard to get a soulmate this year.
Health luck: For the dragon, this year inauspicious stars will cause some disturbances in terms of health. You will be prone to sickness and injures this year. Beware of accident while driving at night time. Go for a full checkup for your health to avoid any hidden illness.
This year will be a favorable year for the snake due to the help of many auspicious stars. There will be good improvement in career and love aspects as compare to last year. This year will be a turning point for most of the people, so make sure to use this year luck wisely to steer for a bright future. The auspicious star that will help in terms of luck are (龙德),(紫微)and (红鸾). This will be the year where you will need many external help from other people to accomplished any tasks or project.
There are four inauspicious stars which are (㬧财),(天厄),(亡神),( 天宫)and (天符).
Although this year is a good year for the snake, you must still especially pay extra attention for prevention bad stabbers and problems at work as there are a few inauspicious stars for the snake.
Overall this year,
Wealth luck: Due to the auspicious stars, you can get the help of others for career development related to wealth . There are also luck in regards to windfall this year. Wealth will come in but you must not spent lavishly. Be careful in over spending and you need to manage your wealth properly. Grab any wealth opportunity which comes to you this year.
Career luck: In career, there will be chance of promotions and increments in your life this year. This is a good year for you to start your business or carry out an investment. You will get external help and support from your superior to accomplish any project or task, so it is important to seek the opportunity an perform your best during this year.
Love luck: The auspicious star red Phoenix will enhance all aspects of relationship in life. Single will be able to find their soulmate this year. Married couples will have a smooth sailing and intimate relationship. This is a blissful year to tie the marriage knot.
Health luck: Zodiac snake will enjoy good overall good health this year. You should still refined from eating fried and oily food. Maintain a positive outlook to life and not be mentally affected by external conditions. Aim to live on a balanced diet.
In this year, the horse will have a strong auspicious star over the weak inauspicious stars. Although this year will not be necessarily smooth sailing but a positive attitude will make you strong and overcome all problems. You must be aware of incidents that might happen to you and learn to ride with the tides of life. As long as you stay calm and not act rashly, it will be positive, otherwise it will be complete failure. The auspicious stars (将星) will be able to attract positive people to your life. Inauspicious stars ill (披头),(白虎), (飞廉)and (大杀) will cause you some troubles. You must be ready to meet the challenges ahead and have mental preparation in advance. In 2018, the presence of lucky stars will still bring about positive changes in your life, so seek new potential opportunities that come by.
Overall this year,
Wealth luck: Zodiac horse will enjoy moderate wealth this year. Money earn will also be spent or used easily without any control. Small investment may bring you good profits. Avoid being greedy this year as you may be trap in a financial investment scams.
Career luck: You need to beware of 八点stabbers in your career this year. Your relationship between colleagues will not be good this year. It is therefore recommended to pay attention to unite friends, avoid being impatient and keeping a low profile. Horse people also have to guard against attacks from the bad stabbers at work.
Love luck: Due to the inauspicious stars, you will have emotional instability, fear of a Third Party and prone to suspicion between husband and wife . You will need to control your emotion and temper this year. For unmarried persons , you need to avoid being blinded by the opposite sex and get involved with a married person. Singles may be able to find a good partner this year.
Health luck: For this year, horse person in terms of health is not too favorable. You are prone to bump into things . Be extra vigilant while dealing with sharp tools or handling cooking at kitchen. You must also learn to curb your anger, anxiety and avoid any confrontation.
This will be a favorable year for the goat. The presence of many lucky stars will bring many positive changes in your life and work throughout the year, Those born in the year of the goat will be marginally clashing with the taisui but this will not cause much damages. In addition to clash with tasui, there are a few auspicious star (天德),(福德), (福星)and (扳鞍)that will help you to overcome most obstacles so as to survive in the face of adversity. Due to inauspicious star, (寡宿),(的杀), (阴杀),(卷舌)and (披麻), you are advised to seek to protect yourself , not to act rashly , in order to avoid failure. Overall, what that cannot be achieved last year, will be attainable in this year. It is advisable to pray to the god taisui this year.
Overall this year,
Wealth luck: For the goat, due to the auspicious stars, this will be a Positive financial year , you will have windfall and also increase in your financial income. Although the wealth luck is good, there may be unforeseen events which may leads to spending of money. It is advisable to use and save your money wisely this year.
Career luck: Due to the inauspicious stars, be sure to pay attention when dealing with the relationship between colleague and superiors. Stay away from office politics or rumors that will affect your work. In addition , when working, stay humble to avoid dispute with people. Overall your career or work will be stable and good for future prospects.
Love luck: This year will be a good year for singles as they will be able to find their soulmates this year. For married couples, their relationship will be smooth sailing and even more intimate. To enjoy the smooth luck of the year, put more attention to your spouse to bond the relationship further.
Health luck: The goat will enjoy the good state of health this year. When you face emotional instability, you can do some exercise to relieve stress. You should also be alert in your daily life to avoid any mishaps to happen. Avoid temper tantrums that will affect your health.
For the year of the monkey, this year will face lack of support from auspicious stars which will make the year exhausting and tedious. The inauspicious star, (天哭), (天狗) and ( 吊客 ) will cause certain obstacles and troubles. There will be only one auspicious star (驿马) to help the monkey for this year for enhancement of the career. This year for the zodiac monkey is not very favorable in terms of fortune and the ability to carry out big task. In all aspects you should be cautious, especially paying attention to prevention bad stabbers and avoid being trapped for extortion. Investment, this year must be extra careful as you will get into a loss situation. Handle all matters in a calm and peaceful ways.
Overall this year,
Wealth luck: Even Though this year you will have some official earnings and windfall luck this year, you must be extra careful to reduce expenses. Manage your money wisely to see your wealth increasing. Avoid lending your money to people and refrain from becoming a loan guarantee.
Career luck: You will have opportunity to travel overseas for business venture this year. If given chance to go overseas, do not hesitate to take up the offer. You should also stay away from office politics and rumors and maintain harmony at your work place.
Love luck: For year 2018, marriage couples is likely to quarrel or have certain emotional issue. Regardless of what happened, control your temper would be the best solution. You will need to control your emotion and temper this year so as to reduced conflicts for married couples. In short , your marriage requires careful management and mutual trust in order to preserve the family harmony and stability.
Health luck: Monkey person in terms of health will be favorable this year. It will be advisable to always maintain a healthy diet and go for a full medical check up this year. Participate in healthy activities to improve your health.
The rooster will face a rough year this year due to the inauspicious stars. You will need to strive to be more alert, flexible and diligent this year. Auspicious stars (陌越)will help in overcome some negative effect of the inauspicious stars. There will also have the two inauspicious star (六害),(病符),these will attract bad stabbers and enemies to hinder your success and work. Also this year the rooster will get sick easily , so is recommended to get a professional medical health check. In addition , this year you are easily impulsive, have self temperament , irritability, insomnia , stress and difficult to control your emotion. It is keep a low profile this year.
Overall this year,
Wealth luck: Rooster zodiac will experience many unforeseen events. Overall wealth luck and windfall luck is not favorable. Beware of making business investments which will cause you to have financial losses. Manage your wealth wisely and prevent yourself from overspending on unnecessary items.
Career luck: In career, you must act the best to do things low profile and be careful that there will be bad stabbers who framed you. In a leadership position in this year, you will get less support from people this year. Stay humble and alert at all times.
Love luck: In the new year, whether married or attached , you are required to pay attention to your relations with the opposite sex. Married person should pay attention to the occurrence of divorce. Be careful to maintain your wife/husband emotions, avoid a war of words to win and to avoid the pain of separation from them.
Health luck: Due to inauspicious star, you need to be careful to prevent sudden illness from happening. You might not get enough rest and have imbalanced diet. This will be a year where you will feel unusual pain or sickness. Be sure to do more medical check ups when necessary.
This year the dog has reaches it own zodiac year and will be clashing with the “tai sui ” . The presence of multiple inauspicious stars will cause injuries, hindrances, financial issues and lawsuits. The dog must maintain a positive mindset throughout the year. As long as you stay calm and not act rashly, it will be positive, otherwise it will be complete failure. The only auspicious star are (华盖), will be able to reduce the negative impact . Inauspicious stars ill fortune star (呑陷),(黄幡),(太岁),(剑锋) and (伏尸)will cause you some troubles and lot of challenges in life. You should try to resolve all problem when it occurs and remain patient and calm. It is advisable to pray to the god taisui this year.
Overall this year,
Wealth luck: This year wealth luck income may suddenly inexplicably reduced. For traders , this year’s fortunes will be even more volatile , elusive and difficult to control. You must be careful to avoid being greedy for money. You must pay attention to the above problem as that is the only solution that can increase your fortune this year. Also in the course of business prospective , this year you must careful while choosing your partners as to prevent the loss of financial losses.
Career luck: You will face some obstacles in your work this year due to the effect of the multiple inauspicious stars. It is therefore recommended to pay attention to unity at work and avoid being impatient and keeping a low profile. Monkey also have to guard against attacks from the bad stabbers at work.
Love luck: Zodiac dog will turbulent in their love life this year. For a married person , you will have emotional instability, fear of a Third Party and prone to suspicion between husband and wife . You will need to control your emotion and temper this year. For unmarried persons , you need to avoid being blinded by the opposite sex and get involved with a married person. In short , your marriage requires careful management and mutual trust in order to preserve the family harmony and stability.
Health luck: Zodiac dog overall health is likely to fall ill these year. You should pay attention to eating healthy food and pay special attention to health care. Control you emotion and not be affected by the environment. Get rid of all unhealthy habits like drinking or smoking. Embrace a healthy lifestyle.
People born in the Year of the boar will have a rather good year. Due to the presence of two auspicious star (太阳)and (天喜) you be able to make most of goals and wishes come true. This will be a good year for higher achievement of your business or career. The inauspicious star (却杀),(天空),(孤神) and (嗨气) will experience some complications in life but the two auspicious star will lessen the negative impact of it. The auspicious stars also act on to enhance and achieve success in your working life. Enjoy the smooth sailing year and maximize your potential.
Overall this year,
Wealth luck: Due to the auspicious stars, you can get an increase in income due to both regular income and windfalls. . Wealth will come in but you must be careful in over spending and you will need to manage your wealth properly.
Career luck: This will be a smooth sailing and good year for your career. This will be good year for you to enrich your knowledge by attending various courses. You should maintain good rapport with your colleagues and you will find some amazing opportunities in your career.
Love luck: Due to two auspicious star, you will have a stable relationship. For singles, you will met your soulmates and for people who are attached, this will be a good year to get married.
Health luck: You will have good health for this year. Stay positive and go for necessary check up. Maintain a healthy diet and go for exercise regularly.
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